Thursday, April 10, 2008


Good Morning All,
I have an update on my friend Jean. She came through her surgery last night much better than expected. They anticipate more surgery because they could only attach a few things, but she's doing well under the circumstances. Please continue to lift her up in your prayers. Thanks.
Yesterday after noon when I was doing some work, even though I wasn't praying or thinking about Jean, my spirit was. Suddenly I knew that she was going to be okay because the Lord's peace settled on me and I just knew.
I shared this later with Chuck and he was so pleased. Then I shared it with my friend Rita as she was giving me the latest update. I don't think she understood. Her faith is growing and her knowledge the same. Her lack of understanding tells me where she's at in her growth.
I know that the Lord wanted what I told her to be a witness to her and anyone she shares it with. Please pray that it will help her and others faith to become trust and grow through this horrible circumstance. Thanks!
I chose Philippians 4:7 because of the peace the Lord gave me yesterday. It's a perfect example of what He does according to the verse: "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
Rita didn't understand what I was sharing, I think, because she hasn't experienced it herself, at least in this way. There are times when His peace is all we have in the midst of a terrible 'storm'. We don't understand what's going to happen, or what we should do.
That's where trust comes in. I was trusting God for a miracle; for the doctor's to have complete wisdom, direction and understanding of what to do. God provided that. Could God have healed her without them? Yes. Did He? No. He used modern medicine and wisdom to work His will. But, it's still His miracle and healing.
The most important part that I prayed was for His will to be done. It could have been her time to go home. Do you remember that our days are numbered? Obviously her time isn't now. I think what's the most important, and knowing Jean she'd agree, is that God be glorified through all of this. I think He is and will be. The families testimony before the medical staff will be wonderful.
So, when you need something and are praying, wait for the Lord to work His divine will and then His peace will come, in His way and time, to your hearts delight.


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