Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Ephesians 4:25-5:1

Sunshine! Makes me want to run outside and yell: Yippee!!! It seems like all it does is rain. And tomorrow is more rain. Where is spring? I'm praying for you all.
Today's been another good day. I was able to see Dr. Sean and he says I'm doing well. My bout with my kidneys is calming down and that's good. He's started me on something new for another problem. So, I'm making progress, slowly. Thanks for all your prayers.
I'm borrowing the idea for this blog from the Our Daily Bread. It's been awhile since it was part of my daily reading, but I really liked the scripture and what the article said. So, after you've read the scripture, come and join me.....
The article emphasized the word "let" which means: to permit. So, in vs. 26 when it says: do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, we are not to permit anger to continue. Stop it early and not linger. In other words: FORGIVE.
I'm the kind of person that it takes a lot to make angry but when I do, I explode and it's over with. I usually don't hang on to the anger either. It separates my fellowship with God and the person I'm angry with (usually Chuck :). But, before the Lord started to change how I am as a person, I was constantly angry and would hold that anger, sometimes literally for years. It turned into depression for me. Thankfully the Lord has changed me.
In verse 25 it tells that we should speak the truth. That does not mean that we blurt out everything, especially if it's hurtful. But, we need to have integrity.
Verse 28 talks about personal responsibility: don't steal, work. Verse 29 is one that I've had to remind myself of, especially early in my Christian walk. I've also had to share it with others who were babies in Christ: do not "let" (permit) any unwholesome talk. We really need to have proper conversation. No swearing, gossiping, berating someone verbally, etc.
Verse 31 talks about bitterness. That's something that we can have and not realize it. We really need to examine ourselves and see if we have bitterness against someone. It all goes back to the heart attitude. Are we pure in heart? Not with bitterness controlling we're not.
Verse 30 talks about grieving the Holy Spirit. What grieves Him? When we are unfaithful or disloyal; sin whether by thought or deed. Our sin drives a wedge between us in our fellowship. The relationship is still in tact (Hebrews 13:5b and John 10:28-30).
The last verse is 32. It's a great way to live. When we do what it says, life will be better, easier and we will please the Holy Spirit and the Father greatly.
I have found that if I live for Christ and not myself, I am living as the Lord wants and I don't grieve the Holy Spirit and am not disobedient to the Lord. It's not easy. It takes daily choices, but it's doable.
So, "let" the Lord lead and guide you and be submissive to His will, not yours.

Letting Him lead,

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