Monday, March 31, 2008

Luke 9:57-62

Hope you are all well. I know Betty's feeling better, but strength always comes slowly after a surgery.
It's blustery today with some rain, but warm. Tucker and I walked early to miss the rain. Yesterday when I was throwing her ball, I dropped the ball before I could toss it. She had already run ahead, waiting to see it. After I picked up the ball and threw it, she ran and caught it in her mouth. No bounce first or rolling on the ground. Quite a feat!
I tried to think of scripture to go along with that word picture, but couldn't come up with anything, so I'll share on Luke 9:57-62. After you've read it, join me.....
The first man to tell Jesus he would follow him wherever He went was a scribe (Matt. 8:19). Scribes (to count, tell, write) wrote from dictation (letters, legal documents etc.), made copies of things and recorded history; they were basically secretaries. They had an education ergo, money. This was a profession that was passed down through families. (O.T. Ezra was a priest, but also a scribe). This scribes problem was that he would have to deny self and leave home, comforts that he apprently didn't want to give up.
The second man was called by Jesus (vs. 59). To be called by Jesus; what an honor! He wanted to go and bury his father. Jesus knew that his father was still very much alive and possibly would be for many years. Jesus' answer in vs. 60 tells it well: follow me, not self and the world.
The third man volunteered, but he could not follow Christ because he was looking back instead of ahead. Following Jesus means obedience to Him, not family. Saying goodbye wasn't the problem. Having a heart that put Christ first instead of family was the problem. He could have followed Christ, but Jesus knew he'd always be looking back and not focused on Him. The man wouldn't be wholly the Lord's, but would keep something back, always.
When the Lord calls us, we need to understand that we will pay the price for following Him. In 2 Tim. 1:7 He teaches: "For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but of power, of love and of self-discipline."
So, what do you conclude about this portion, as it applies to you? I know what happened when I chose to follow Christ; my parents disowned me. We've since mended the breach after years of prayer and efforts. God rewarded my obedience and gave the blessing of a mended fellowship with my whole family.
If the Lord is calling you into a service, will you say YES Lord, or will you look back, and not follow after His call? What's your excuse? God wants to use you right where you are; are you a usable vessel for His service?

Following Him,

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