Tuesday, March 18, 2008

1 Corintians 3:6

Greetings on this watery day.
It seems to rain non stop. After being part of an area of drought for literally years, all this rain is welcome. But, I don't like the cold rainy damp that penetrates to my bones. Enough
whining :).
I talked with Betty and she's improving daily. I'm sure she'll be glad when she can go home. she told me that Debbie Dorf is doing better after getting a blood transfusion.
I met a new friend today; her name is Patty. Our son connected she and her husband Dennis up with us and we met Sunday at a church near by. I wanted to gather information about this church and Patty and her husband have been going there for a year, after spending months and visiting 8 churches. They like what they see and hear; so we'll see if it's where the Lord wants us. Not ready to just jump in anywhere.
One day when we were traveling in Czech, we saw a family in their very large garden. I had to laugh because the scene was a wild one. They had a lawn/garden tractor, very old, and a 1 bottom plow was on the back. The dad sat on the tractor and out in front were the wife and two kids, son and daughter with ropes around their waists as they helped to pull the tractor so it could plow.
Because we were in the car I couldn't hear if the tractor engine was engaged. It's possible the family was pulling without the benefit of the engine. I thought, here's a word picture and now I'm going to use it.
Go to 1 Cornithians 3:6. "I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow." Some versions say: God made the increase. What does this mean? Why was Paul telling this? Go back to verse 1 and read this chapter to get the overview.
Divisions are always in a church because where you have two people, you'll have a difference of an opinion, somehow. Paul addressed this by stating that is God who makes it grow. In other words, keep you eyes on God, not people. What does His word say? How are you to apply it? These questions are answered as you study this portion.
I've used this portion, verses 10-15 as I've taught Sunday school and you may remember this. Whether the metaphor is for a building or a field, God is the planter/builder. When we trust Christ, then the Holy Spirit starts working in us to grow us into strong Christians, able to be used by Him for His good and perfect purpose.
So, are you a planter or waterer. Maybe you're both. There's something so special about leading someone to the cross for their salvation and then discipling them. But, always remember, God gives the increase. It's not of us or them that they grow, but God who wills it and works it.
Focus on God, serving Him and watch how He uses you to further His kingdom. What a delight to watch Him working in peoples lives!


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