Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Galatians 6:2

Finally some sun. It's just now really breaking out and it's almost 5:30. It feels like the Lord is smiling down on us.
I saw Betty this afternoon. She's doing really well and she and Jack were in good spirits. Like always, Betty was able to witness to a woman today. Her story is unique and I'll let her tell it. Suffice it to say that the woman could not doubt God's people helping others, and the power of prayer.
I have another word picture for you and I knew immediately the scripture to use. It's also possible I've used this word picture before, so bear with me. I'm lazy and am not going to look in my file.
Galatians 6:2: "Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."
This chapter has so many great things in it that you should really take the time to peruse it.
Another story from Czech. We were driving through a village one day and we saw two teenage boys. They had a wheelbarrow that looked home made. The older boy was pushing the young boy along the road. You could see by their faces that they were enjoying themselves.
When we approached, they laughed even more when they saw our faces and that we too were laughing. The older boy didn't mind pushing the younger. It was a delight for him to 'carry' the younger.
With Betty in the hospital and soon home (tomorrow), she'll need help with meals and possibly cleaning. I know that the ladies of the church will help. They will "carry" Betty's burdens and do so with joy. This is the church at its finest, working together and supplying for the needs of others. I know the ladies who will help and they won't find it a burden to help and the Lord will bless them for it.
I am privileged to know these ladies and thank the Lord for you all.

To all who carry,

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