Thursday, July 31, 2008

Good Friends

Good Morning All,
Yesterday I was talking with Jean, a friend from our pre-Christian and baby Christian days. I babysat their two girls. We spent tons of time together as families with another couple/& their kids, until we moved away from the area.
Jean is the woman I asked you to pray for when she was in an accident in April. Well, she's still alive, home, slowly recovering. She and I have more in common now then we did in the early days.
The Lord has been showing Himself to her in many ways, just as He has me. We talked in length about the Lord, His providence and grace and most of all, His Sovereignty. We are connecting on a spiritual level, not just a physical level.
She's experiencing the anguish of not being physically ready to go back to teaching school full time, at least for now. In a way, she's having to mourn what she's lost: health, teaching (which she's extremely great at and loves) and mobility as she still deals with a back brace that supports her (her back was broken).
We talked about not asking God: why? Why me? Why not her, why not me? I shared that I feel that the Lord finds me worthy for this trial, this testing and she concurred, for herself and me. We both feel that what we've gained is pure gold.
Would we have chosen this trial, this intense pain? NO! But, the Lord found us worthy to go through this, and our families. She was sharing how her girls rose to the occasion and were her constant nurses, encourager's and connection with the outside world.
My family has been such a great support and help for me, especially Chuck. It's 11 years this September since I got bit by the tick and he's been there, helping, encouraging, and being my buffer when I couldn't handle anything. Those closest to us know what we go through more than any other, and the lessons the Lord teaches them is just as important as we learn.
Holding on to the Lord helps us to survive and he gives us family and friends as His ambassadors on earth. So, thank you all, for prayers, encouragement and love.


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