Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Good Friends need Prayer

Dear All,
I'm writing to you asking for prayer for Jack O'Guinn. He's had another heart attack. They air lifted him to the cardiac unit, so prayerfully he'll get better fast. I don't think anyone who knows this wonderful teddy bear of a man wants to have him go home to glory, just yet.
The first time he had a heart attack, the Lord saved him. Since that time Jack has shared Christ with many people, discipled those the Lord has brought before him and been a true servant to all.
James 2:18 tells us: "But someone will say, "You have faith; I have deeds." Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do." Jack and Betty epitomize deeds because of their faith.
They both have backgrounds of not walking with the Lord until later in their parenting years when the Lord saved them. But they've made up since with sound teaching to their kids and grands. They're a strong witness with their relatives and I know truly strong prayer warriors. When the Lord's Word says that the prayers of a righteous person are heard and answered (availeth much), I think Jack and Betty definitely come to mind.
I know that you know people who are also dear to you and faithful servants to our Lord. When you think of them, send the Lord a prayer of thanks.....I sure am.

Praying for a dear saintly brother,

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