Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Rabbit in Traffic

Hello Everyone,
Isn't the Lord gracious to give us another day to serve Him? My day so far has consisted of giving Tucker a bath at the doggy (car) wash. My time with the Lord was super precious also. I've done some other things, but nothing worth mentioning. Chuck's coming home for the night!!! His delivery is here in Springfield. I'm a happy camper:)))).
Last week when I was going to pick up Chuck, on the road at an intersection was a little rabbit, caught in the middle of moving traffic. I could see that it was young and obviously confused as to what to do. It kept turning around and looking, but didn't have the confidence to move. After I had passed, a man got out of his car and shooed the rabbit out of the way.
When I saw this I said: Lord, there's a word picture here, help me to know it. And, of course He did. It ties in to my blog from yesterday. God sees the bigger picture and helps us to get out of the way of trouble, when we let Him.
Just like the little rabbit, our vision is narrow sighted and short. We need His guiding hand to help us through life's many obstacles. What in your life is causing you to not see any of the bigger picture? What is hindering you seeing His hand at work in your life?
Some things that could be hindrances are: pride, confusion, lack of a close walk with Him so as not understand when He shows you what He's doing, pain, self, family.....the list goes on. You can fill in the blank.
So, what do we do when we can't see the bigger picture, for whatever reason? We trust Him to carry us through, guide us to go His direction and then rest in His loving arms and watch Him work. There's just such peace in that.
So, do you want peace, His peace? Then purpose in your heart to trust Him even though you only see short, not long, small not big. He's big enough for all your problems.

Trusting Him,

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