Monday, June 9, 2008

Ministry limitations

Hope you are well and haven't been drown out by all the rain. We're literally floating here. At least it's cooler today.
Our church is in the process of deciding whether to start a Biblical counseling program. They brought in a man from St. Louis (family goes to our church) who teaches at Brooks Bible college. His specialty is Biblical counseling. He also wants to have the position of leadership for this. (From what I can detect, he's right on spiritually and knows what he believes). :)
I was interested in what that entailed and whether I wanted to take the course. The program he presented was two part and last night he finished. I came to the conclusion that Biblical counseling is from the same tree as discipleship, but a different branch.
Basically, people who have problems come to them and they help with that problem(s). They are putting fires out I think. I asked if the material was a systematic discipleship and he gave me the above information without the "putting fires out" stuff (that's my take on it).
We need to find out if the church has a discipleship program in place; nothing was mentioned last night. Our pastor almost died in the last month from an infection in his blood, so things are not 'normal' yet. So, when we can, Chuck and I want to invite the pastor and his wife so we can find out more about the ministries here. I've checked the web site, but it doesn't give enough info for me.
As I wrap up the first portion of women's roles in ministry, our pastor concludes his teaching with 'limitations'. Here's what he's listed, condensed by me because of lack of space.
1. Jesus chose men as apostles. 2. No record in Acts of women preaching to men. 3. Not allowed to be elders or have authority over men. 4. When the need arose 7 men, not women, were chosen to distribute food. 5. Men went two by two as missionary teams. 6. The N.T. was written by men (I'd say the O.T. too).
So, that's the summary of this portion of teaching. I'm going to read over and hopefully condense the next section because it's wordy without much scripture. I have to admit that I'm bored by what I'm reading; hopefully the next section will give me new information. If not, I'll teach on something else :))).
I know you ladies are busy, but would love to hear from you.

Praying for you all,

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