Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I Corintians 11:2-16

Good Morning All,
I hope you are all doing well. I talked with Lynn a little while ago and she had been to see her cardiologist and he said her heart was fine. She did however, have a brief episode with her heart last night, but by breathing deeply and calming herself was able to stop the rapid beats. I told her the twins are going to take a lot out of her. Thanks for you ongoing prayers for her. Tiffani and I are going see them on Wed. next week.
As I'm getting into this study of women in ministry, it's opening more info than I thought it would. Of course I have to look at other commentaries and there's just so much info. I'm going to try and condense it as best as I can.
1 Corinthians 11:2-16. If you've read it, good; if not, please do so. I'm finding it clear as mud in some areas, ergo the commentaries and more info to wade through.
It seems that at this time in the history of the church that in the public meetings women were asserting themselves in a disorderly way. Paul was trying to teach from God's Word that they needed to have spiritual grace along with the spiritual gifts.
But, we have to back up to the use of the word 'head'. Paul is speaking about authority, not quality or essence. See the order of: Son submits to the Father, not the Father to the Son and so on. Father, Son, Man, Woman, in order of authority. The Greek word "kephale" means head/authority. Some want to have it mean: source. The problem with this is that Christ was not the source of God the Father. The order has to be correct. Also, because God is eternal, He has no source.
So, Paul was trying to solve the problems created by the women by patiently teaching spiritual principles that supported the teachings he had already given the church.
Tomorrow we'll look at how the Christian life brought freedom and hope to women, children and slaves. This is about the Galatians 3:28 passage.

Searching the Word,

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