Tuesday, December 30, 2008

godliness again?

Another wonderful sunny day full of blessings from the Lord. The sun is setting as I write this and the sun's glory is brilliant. How much more is the Son's brilliance and glory? I can't wait to see it.
Yesterday I shared about godliness and today when I was doing my daily reading I met this word again and thought I'd share 2 Peter 1:3-11. So, please read this portion and join me.....
We first find our word in verse 3. Peter tells us that God gives us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of Him. I mentioned that yesterday and here it tells us again how to be godly. Plus, He gives us what we need to be godly, so what are you doing with what He's given you?
In verses 6 and 7 he mentions godliness again. It starts in verse 5 by telling us to make every effort...In the future I'll share more about this passage, so I don't want to cover everything here, but notice that godliness comes after lots of work. God helps us to become godly, but we also have to work at it.
In order for me to teach Biblical precepts, I first have to study. I can't just open the Bible and expect to be able to share in depth teaching without first spending time and effort learning, then I can share what I've learned. So, what are you doing to to become more godly?
As I think of the time I spend on the computer each day (not much, because I have more important things to do) I have to ask myself, have I spent as much time with God, studying His Word?
Our son-in-law works on a computer every day because it's his job, writing programs. He can't spend as much time in the Word as he does at his eight hour job because he has a family and needs to sleep.
But what about the rest of us? How much time do you spend on "things" compared to time spent with Him? As the new year comes, assess what you want to change to help become more godly. I know that He will be more than pleased with your effort and you will receive many blessings.
Please pray for me as I decide what book of the Bible to study next. I want the Lord to direct me to what He wants me to learn, then share. Thanks for your prayers.

On the journey to godliness,

Monday, December 29, 2008


What wonderful sunny weather we're having. The Lord is blessing us after many days of yucky weather! Lynn and babies are still hanging in there. I'm beginning to think they don't want to leave their warm nest. She's only a couple of weeks away from her original due date. Maybe we'll have New Year's babies!
I want to look at the word from 1 Tim. 6:11, godliness. Refresh your memories by re reading the passage and join me.....The dictionary defines godliness as: the state of being godly. It defines godly as: pious, devout. Devout means: worshiping, attending to religious duties, sincere, earnest, devout hopes. Pious means: devout or showing religious devotion.
As I understand these terms that define godliness, it tells me that people who become monks and live in seclusion probably fit into this category quite well. But what about us, every day people living life?
I see the definition as part spiritual: the heart attitude, and physical; doing something with what you believe. That reminds me of James telling us to show our faith by our works. The heart is at the center I think of any godliness that we have.
Do you think of yourself as godly? I know that I don't, even though what I might do sometimes could be classified as godly. I guess because I'm a sinner thinking I'm godly is hard to grasp.
But, evidently it's possible to be godly because it's included in the list. So how do we do this? What comes to mind is having a right heart attitude. Loving God, putting Him and His desires ahead of mine. Serving Him with a whole heart, not a rebellious one.
I also think that studying His Word and applying it are important. We need to know error from truth and stand by this truth when we share with someone. We need to live the truth of God's Word because that's obedience and it pleases God greatly.
When I choose to obey Him, He declares me godly. When my heart is dedicated to Him and serving Him, I gain godliness. What are you doing to gain godliness? You know the way, He's the truth and life for us to follow in obedience.

Pursuing Him,

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Good Morning,
Winter is definitely letting us know that it's here. When I took Tucker out for her run, the ice greeted us both; her "four wheel drive" fared better than my two!
Yesterday we looked at 1 Timothy 6:11-12. As I said, we'll look at the "list", a little each blog. Today it's about righteousness. Remember, we are to pursue it. So I'll start with the word: pursue. It means: to follow in order to capture or overtake; persistent.
We are to go after these attributes in the list in such a way that nothing holds us back or stops our taking hold of the attribute. How do we do this? Focus on God, learning daily about how He wants us to live. I think then that all the attributes listed just fall into place. That's the nutshell, but we still need to look at the individual.
Righteous is: conforming to the moral law. Contrary to many people's thinking today, God did set up the moral law and we are to obey it. We are to be "right with God" according to His definition of right.
If I understand the Bible's teaching on righteous, I come to the conclusion that it means to be pure, without sin before God. Now, we can't do that, but Christ can. By His blood we are made "right" with God, ergo: righteous. It isn't something we do, but who we are in Christ.
That doesn't mean that we don't have a responsibility to live in such a way as to remain pure and right before God. If we're constantly living for ourselves, we are taking the gift of grace that Christ has given us and are throwing it back in His face.
Daily, look at your life and see where you're constantly sinning and need to repent (turn away) from. We will and do sin, but we don't have to be controlled by it. We have the option of obeying God and His teachings (free will).
So, as you've been made "righteous" by Christ, are you going to live in such a way as to be right before God consistently? It's your choice, but remember, there are either blessings by obedience or consequences for disobedience. God gives both.

Grateful for His mercy,

Monday, December 22, 2008

1 Timothy 6:11-12

Hello All,
I trust you had a good weekend. We spent our Saturday with our family, celebrating Christmas. Because the twins are due momentarily, we went to Lynn and Jason's. We had a blessed day with good food and fellowship.
Today I've chosen 1 Tim. 6:11-12, but in order to understand these two verses, you need to first read 3-10, or the first part of the chapter. Come join me....
"But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses."
At this time of year when spending on "stuff" is rampant, the verses in the first part of the chapter speak resoundingly to us. But, that's not what I want to concentrate on here, at least not in the whole.
In verse 11 Paul tells Timothy to "flee from all this," to pursue (see list). That takes a conscious effort on our part when the holiday busyness invades our waking moments. Paul is telling us to concentrate on Him, not us or stuff or busyness. He wants the focus to be on the right person, not on the world.
I know that's hard when there are things that need to be done, presents to buy, etc. Perhaps in preparation for the holidays, getting organized and cutting out the extra's that draw us away in a flurry of activity from what this season is really about is what's necessary.
In the next few blogs I want to concentrate on each of the things Paul tells Timothy to pursue. We'll start with righteousness. So as you join me, we'll see what the Lord tells us about righteousness and what we're to do with it.

Working on the right "stuff",

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

1 Timothy 1:13

Snowy Morning to you all,
Father Winter is in full fury today. I had to take Chuck to work and the roads were really bad, but as always, the Lord piloted me safely. I've often wondered how many angels are riding with me :).
I've chosen a different sort of verse today. Not sure why, but I have it underlined and I know that it speaks volumes, to all of us. So, here goes: "Even though I was once a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent man, I was shown mercy because I acted in ignorance and unbelief."
When Paul calls himself a blasphemer and persecutor, he's talking about how he spoke and acted against Christ and His followers. He participated in Stephan's death too. He believed that Jesus wasn't God, even though Christ told everyone He was. The word blasphemy means: "contemptuous or irreverent speech about God or things regarded as sacred." Now, keep in mind that Paul thought he was serving God by persecuting Christians, believing that they were in the wrong on their theology, not him.
We found out recently that a man/family in our church was trying to influence people away from the teaching on eternal security. I'm not questioning their salvation, but his constant persistence finally brought discipline from the leadership: quit this teaching. He chose to leave, much to the disappointment of his family. The kids really loved our fellowship. I have a feeling that down the road some or all of the kids will be back, once they all leave home. From what I've observed, there's a possibility of some legalism in the family; I could be wrong.
I feel that because of this man's teaching, in ignorance of what scripture teaches, that God will show him mercy, especially to this man's family as they follow his headship and can't do anything different, at least for now.
I want to ask the man: why don't you want to be eternally secure? I feel strongly that in each of us we want to know that security. I can't imagine never knowing for sure if I'm saved or not. Thankfully, it's not dependent on me or my knowledge, but on God's grace.
I draw comfort from this passage that if I'm ignorant of something in God's teaching, that He gives me grace until I know and can do/change to come into obedience. Praise Him for His patience!!!

Grateful for grace,

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Good Morning,
I trust you are all well this day. Winter has dropped some ice for us to slide around on, but life goes on. Please continue to pray for Betty as she mourns her dear Jack.
Today I want to focus on Ps. 40:4a. "Blessed is the man who makes the Lord His trust." Yesterday at our bible study I was asked if I ever not trust God. I shared that I don't because He's trustworthy.
Many places through the Word we see that God is trustworthy and our responsibility is to take Him at His Word and: trust Him. I also shared that I have days when I say to myself when doubts plague me: I choose to trust you Lord because You are trustworthy.
I don't always know the answer to the problems or know how to deal with my emotions, but I know God does and that when I place my trust in Him, He will see me through, either by leading, carrying or gently nudging me along.
I haven't always been so trusting, but I have two things that help enormously: His Word and what He has shown me in the past. There are days when I cling to these and that's ok with me and Him. He knows I'm "dust".
I'm not perfect, but I believe in God who is and His Word is trustworthy as it tells me that I can trust Him. Also, keep in mind that not to trust is: sin.

His is worthy of Trust,

Friday, December 5, 2008

2 Thessalonians 1:3-4

Dear Friends,
I trust you are being comforted by the Lord as you go through your day, knowing that He will carry you, lead you and protect you by His Sovereign grace.
I like what 2 Thess. 1:3-4 tells me: "We ought always to thank God for you, brothers, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love every one of you has for each other is increasing. Therefore, among God's churches we boast about your perseverance and faith in all the persecutions and trials you are enduring."
As I talked with Betty last, she shared how dear friends had come yesterday to sit, talk, pray and cry with her. She was so grateful/thankful for them. They love her and Jack and shared it in the best way. As she shared it made me long to be there to help comfort her too. Talking over the phone is ok, but not the same as being able to be with her and give her a hug, surrounded by tears of sympathy.
Betty is persevering and because of her strong faith, her endurance will encourage others and I know Betty would like that. She's such a giving person and a delight to all who know her. I am truly blessed to call her sister and friend. I know she's suffering, but I know she'll come through the fire, more gold.
I thank the Lord for Betty, her faith, encouragement, prayers, testimony and love for the lost. She's truly a saint and a delight to all her know her. Her love for Jack and constant praise of him showed all of us how to be a loving wife, in every way. She always glowed when she'd talk about him. They had 34 years together and I know he enjoyed everyone, just like she did.
We all have trials, but how we handle them reflects on our spiritual maturity. How are you doing during trials? Are you persevering with grace? Think on these things.....

Thankful for dear friends,

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Saying Goodbye

It's with a heavy heart that I tell you that our good friend and brother-in-the-Lord, Jack is with the Lord. It seems like he had a stroke, not a heart attack. As Betty and I talked we both agreed that being with the Lord is a better place that we'd both like to be too. I know Jack will be waiting for his Betty some day.
Jack donated organs and the nurse told Betty that over 50 things would benefit others. So, the next time you get your drivers license renewed, check that box too.
I know that the Lord has been with Betty and her family because of His great peace, the one that passes all understanding. The nursing staff commented on how spiritual the family seemed to be, that they'd never seen one quite like them. I agree; they are true spiritual giants, Jack and Betty.
I don't have any scripture to share today, just that the Lord gives us exactly what we need, when we need it, and not until. So if you think about the future and wonder how you'll face a problem/situation, trust the Lord because He will provide.

Knowing His provision in grief,

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Good Friends need Prayer

Dear All,
I'm writing to you asking for prayer for Jack O'Guinn. He's had another heart attack. They air lifted him to the cardiac unit, so prayerfully he'll get better fast. I don't think anyone who knows this wonderful teddy bear of a man wants to have him go home to glory, just yet.
The first time he had a heart attack, the Lord saved him. Since that time Jack has shared Christ with many people, discipled those the Lord has brought before him and been a true servant to all.
James 2:18 tells us: "But someone will say, "You have faith; I have deeds." Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do." Jack and Betty epitomize deeds because of their faith.
They both have backgrounds of not walking with the Lord until later in their parenting years when the Lord saved them. But they've made up since with sound teaching to their kids and grands. They're a strong witness with their relatives and I know truly strong prayer warriors. When the Lord's Word says that the prayers of a righteous person are heard and answered (availeth much), I think Jack and Betty definitely come to mind.
I know that you know people who are also dear to you and faithful servants to our Lord. When you think of them, send the Lord a prayer of thanks.....I sure am.

Praying for a dear saintly brother,