Saturday, September 1, 2007

Psalm 22:1-2

Another sunny hot day, but soon it will be cool and we'll wish for warmth. God has blessed us with His beautiful blue sky and lots of sunshine. And, don't forget His Son shining in our hearts!
Lately the Lord has been bringing people before me to listen to them and sometimes to share what the Lord lays on my heart for them. So, today I thought I'd share Psalm 22:1-2 with you all.
"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me, so far from the words of my groaning? O my God, I cry out by day, but you do not answer, by night, and am not silent."
Aren't these heart wrenching words. Can't you just feel the pain of King David. He felt that God had abandoned him. As you read the rest of the Psalm, you'll see that David regained his standing before the Lord, as he usually did.
But, let's look at the very words: My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Do you remember in Matthew 27:46 when Christ uttered those very words? Christ knew why He came to earth, to die for our transgressions (sins). Yet, when He was on the cross He knew that God the Father had to turn His back on Christ and allow the sins of the world to be carried upon His shoulders.
When God says in Hebrews 13:5 and in John 10:28-30 that He won't leave us or forsake us and that no one can snatch us out of His hand, then we can know that He has not forsaken us as He forsake Christ on the cross. David didn't have the whole picture before Him, but because of the Bible, we know the beginning to the end.
So, if you don't feel like your prayers are being answered and that God has forsaken you, my guess is a couple of things are playing into those dynamics. One is that you have sin that needs to be confessed. It could be a sin of commission, you did something. Or it could be a sin of omission, you didn't do what He wanted you to do.
The second thing is that God is testing your faith. Do you still believe that He is with you, even though you don't see any evidence, or feel His close presence? Trust me when I tell you that He hasn't left you; His scripture says He hasn't.
Then there's a third thing. Prehaps you've been praying for a long time about something(s) and you aren't seeing a resolution. It doesn't mean that God hasn't heard, or doesn't care. It just means that He's said: yes, no or wait. Sometimes we need to learn something first before He answers our prayers.
So, are you trusting that God hasn't forsaken you? That He is working on your problems and needs? Which He says He will supply. Grow your faith by telling yourself and Him that you will trust Him, not matter that you can't see, feel or touch Him. Trust me, He's there, waiting on you.


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