Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Sow Generously

Hi Everyone,
What glorious weather we're having. Isn't our Lord generous with us? I trust you are all working hard for the Lord in prayer, supplication and service.
As you can see by the title, we are going to look at sowing generously. 2 Corinthians 9:6 tells us: "Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously."
This portion is talking about money, giving, tithing, etc. But there's a second message here and that is when we are generous with our prayers, service, kindness, etc., it multiplies. If we hold our gifts from the Lord close and don't use them, they will dwindle away.
I spent a portion of my morning re potting plants. The African Violets went from two pots to four and the variegated spider from one large to two large. I have a really hard time throwing away plants, especially nice ones. So, if anyone wants a spider plant or violet, just let me know.
These plants I have tenderly watched over and they've grown from tiny sprouts to huge, magnificent plants. But, without care, watering and fertilizer, they would have withered and died.
God expects us to take the gifts He gives us, whether money or service gifts/spiritual gifts and use them. So, look at your bounty from the Lord and see where you need to divide and share.

Sharing the bounty,

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