Thursday, September 27, 2007

Isaiah 45:8-10

Isn't the weather gorgeous? I hung clothes and sheets out today and they dried so nicely. I like the smell of clothes hung outside to dry. The sky is such a vivid blue that I always connect with Autumn.
I read these verses a couple of days ago and really felt led by the Lord to study them. So here is what I came up with: God is Sovereign. Isaiah 46:8-10. After you've read them, come join me....
Verse 8 tells us to remember. We are not to forget what this is saying. In other words: it's important what I'm going to tell you. If something is fixed in our minds, it's there permanently. When it's God's Word, that's a good thing. But, it calls the Israelites rebels. Are you a rebel? If so, in what way? Is your heart soft toward the Lord? Are you surrendered?
In Verse 9 God states: I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me. That's quite a statement, but one that He can tell truthfully and we need to obey. He is God. Because He is God, we owe Him our very lives. Do you live your life in such a way that you always honor Him? Do you fully understand what it means when God says that He is God? If not, why not?
Verse 10 teaches that He makes known the end from the beginning. We have the Bible, God's written word to tell us just that. Have you read His book from cover to cover? What did you learn? About who God is? About how He wants you to live your life?
The last sentence tells us: and I will do all that I please. Have you heard people who think that God should stop all the trouble in the world? Why do innocent children die or are abused? Why so many people die of drought, hunger and disease? Well, God has a purpose for causing and allowing these things to happen.
Sometimes it's judgment. On a government, a group of people or one individual. Sometimes innocent people are hurt because of sin by those who act unrighteously. God knows the final story. He knows everything because He's omniscient (all-knowing).
So, here's the question: are you going to trust our Sovereign God to know what's best for your life and live accordingly? How will you manifest this belief? If you don't trust Him, why not? He is trustworthy. How do I know this? Because He's proven Himself so many times in my life that I can't even count them.
God knew before I got sick, the beginning from the end. He allowed me to get sick, and to stay sick. He has a purpose. Some of it I know, but not all. I'm sure some day I'll be able to know the 'beginning from the end' as He allows me to understand His purpose. I just know this: I trust my Sovereign God to work His perfect divine will in my life to His glory. What will you do?


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