Friday, September 14, 2007

Mark 12:30


What gorgeous weather, again. Are we not blessed? I hung clothes out yesterday and they dried so nicely. Having the windows open again is so refreshing.
The passage I chose today is one that the Lord has been really filling me up with. As I pray over this passage and then detail on paper all that I glean, I'm overwhelmed again on how awesome our Lord is.
Mark 12:30: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength." Deuteronomy 6:5 says: heart, soul and strength. Matthew 22:37 says: heart, soul and mind.
Why the differences? I have no clue. Strength and mind are different, but not really. It takes strength to love the Lord fully, as He deserves; strength of mind over will.
Looking at heart, in what ways can you purpose to love the Lord will all your heart? I made a list and I suggest you do the same. It may take you a few days, but what you come up with may be eye opening. The Lord wants all of you; in what ways? That's a place to start.
Your soul belongs to the Lord if you have trusted Christ's work on the cross and asked Him to be your Savior.
In what ways can your mind be all for God? Think about surrender as a start. Then there's strength. Chuck has so many bulging muscles from throwing 50# tarps everyday. I, on the other hand am incredibly weak physically. But when I thought about this, I realized that the strength is more than physically helping the Lord. Service is very important as it shows the Lord that we love Him.
But for me, doing things is hard, so I looked at strength of purpose to make sure that my mind and will are totally surrendered to Him, all the time. Now, don't get me wrong; I know that I sin. But, I need to work hard and try to be obedient. There's also things like strength of character, etc.
So, that should give you something to think about and work on. Let me know how you come out with your searching so that you can love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.

Serving Him,

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