Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Psalm 33:4

After a busy weekend, it's nice to slow down just a little. I trust your weekend was a good one too. We're trying to get things accomplished outside; we're buttoning down for the winter, so to speak. I like to call it "cozying in for the winter".
The scripture I've chosen today is from Psalm 33:4: "For the word of the Lord is right and true; He is faithful in all He does." I look at this verse as a sure foundation that I can hang on to when life gets difficult. As I search His word, His promises remind me that God is faithful and that I can depend on that.
Anytime that Chuck and I have stepped out in faith to begin a ministry that we haven't been a part of before, like going overseas as missionaries, we've had to depend on God to be faithful to us in many ways.
We needed His word to teach us how to be good servants to Him. We definitely needed help with all the myriad of emotions that accompanied our leaving our son behind to continue his education at college.
We were stepping out into unknown (to us) territory by living in a foreign culture. We didn't know the language, or custom's of the Czech Republic. He helped us to acclimate fairly quickly and well so that we could begin ministry to the wonderful people He brought before us.
We asked Him to help us to love the Czech people and He was faithful to pour out His love in us and through us. So many times we'd hear people ask: "why do you love us so much?" That warmed our hearts and I know it pleased the Lord. We were depending on Him for everything and He was faithful.
In what ways do you see God faithful to you? Do you even look for His faithfulness? How are you faithful to Him? It's surprising how little He asks of us, but yet He promises us so much, if we are obedient to Him.
Do you remember 1 John 1:9? Go look. He is faithful. Depend on His faithfulness to help you live a faithful life before Him.

Striving to be faithful to Him,

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