Monday, September 10, 2007

Jeremiah 8:21-22

It's been so long since I've blogged; I'm sorry. Between a blog that doesn't like to recognize me and 'life', I've not been getting a few things done and this is one of those things.
The Lord has been blessing me in so many ways and I've really rejoiced. We were together with family on Saturday because of our youngest grandson's birthday. Family time is always wonderful. Chuck is finally feeling a little better from the gout that's been plaguing him. But, my health has taken a downward turn and that's been a concern.
When I was reading in Jeremiah, I ran across the verses in 8:21-22. "Since my people are crushed, I am crushed; I mourn, and horror grips me. Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then is there no healing for the word of my people?"
Gilead was a place of healing salves and lots of medical learning. So when Jeremiah is saying: is there no balm in Gilead, He's talking about comfort from pain, distress. I don't know about you, but I've been crushed before, more than once even. It says here that Jeremiah was crushed. He mourns and horror grips him. Jeremiah was just like us. He cried out to the Lord, just as we do and can.
God feels what we feel, and He knows what hurts us because it hurts Him too. Because the Lord lives in us, He experiences everything we do, good and bad. Jeremiah's question about why there isn't any healing for the wound of his people is confusing, because God is the great physician and He is our healer. Not necessarily of our physical, but definitely of our spiritual.
You have to realize that God was drawing the people to Him. They were being brought before the Lord to recognize their sinfulness and need to repent. The hearts of Israel were hardened. Just because we are crushed does not mean that we have sin that the Lord wants to have us repent from. Sometimes He brings pain into our lives to draw us closer and to realize that He is our refuge and strength.
So, when you are crushed, know that the Lord is crushed too. He mourns when you do, over your pain, your sin and your struggles. He cares for you and me; He is our strength and refuge.

Heart to heart,

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