Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Identity Theft

Good Morning!
Isn't it a glorious sunny day? We have been so blessed this summer. I trust you are all knowing the Lord a little more each day.
We celebrated Nolan's 4th birthday. It's hard to believe my little "mouse" is now 4. Lynn also found out that they are having twin boys. They're sad because there isn't at least one girl, but happy for boys too. They're doing well.
Chuck's birthday was yesterday and unfortunately he was working. But, on Sat. the kids and his brother and our sister-in-law came to help celebrate his 58 years. That evening Chuck had a great ministry at the prison. I really miss our time there and not sure when I'll be able to go again.
I'm sure you're surprised at my title today. On Sat. in the mail we received our only credit card statement, but when I looked at it today to pay, I realized that it didn't look normal(the charges were from Nov. and the bill due date was Jan. 7, 2008). Also, it's a week early in coming. So, I called the company and they told me to disregard that statement and I would be receiving one next week.
I asked the guy if our identity had been stolen and he told me NO. I'm grateful for that, but obviously something happened to their computer system that it sent out a wrong bill. That brings me to our scripture today.
1 John 4:1 "Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world." In our society today there are false/criminal people who prey on everyone. No one is immune to them. Unfortunately this can also happen in the church.
Many claim that they believe truth about Jesus, salvation and life. But, their words don't back up real truth. The Bible is to be our guideline, our compass in life. If what we hear doesn't line up with scripture, we can't believe it, or the message the person is trying to "sell" us.
I think it's terrible that we have to be so cautious and wary in this world today. Our children and grandchildren have to learn things that we didn't until we were adults and even now, older. I think it's sad. Trust is gone because people abuse trust. I know this makes our Lord sad.
Are you teaching your children/grandchildren to be trustworthy? Are you teaching them that there are "wolves" out there waiting to devour them? Again, it's sad that we have to do that.
To summarize this blog, I think it's important to know scripture so we aren't taught falsely. I also think it's important to live a moral and ethical life as a testimony to Christ. We need to stand up and face false teachers and proclaim truth; it may be the only time they hear it.....

Proclaiming Him,

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