Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Eli's wicked sons

What a beautiful day the Lord has given us. We have much to praise Him for, don't we? His Word is such a delight to me and I like to share what it says. Thank you for "hearing" the Word as I share.
Yesterday in our Sunday school class, we had a lady that kept going down 'rabbit trails' and basically confusing most of the ladies there. I don't think she meant to, but it was hard for Gloria to keep everyone on track. I didn't want to say anything, but after class Gloria (the teacher) came and basically told me to jump in on anything that would help everyone out.
I had tried to simplify something the woman had said by summing it up with: grace vs. Law. The lady agreed and everyone looked relieved. I also found out from Gloria that when I prayed at the end of the time, that I don't pray loud enough for those with hearing problems! What a hoot! She's such a dear lady and a really good teacher that I count her as a new friend gladly.
Today's scripture has nothing to do with what I just shared; just updating you on life. If you will turn to 1 Samuel 2:12 you'll find: "Eli's sons were wicked men; they had no regard for the Lord." Here's a priest (Eli) and because of heritage, his two sons were priests and they were wicked. Eli was the head priest, but obviously not a good father. He let his grown sons rebel against the Lord.
So, what happened in their upbringing? According to scripture (Joshua) the Jews were to tell their children when they walked, ate, etc. Had Eli somehow missed teaching his sons about the Lord?
I think that he forgot to teach them to fear the Lord. I'm talking about respect and FEAR. The Lord zapped them dead. They should have spent more time pleasing the Lord then living wicked lives.
So, what the application here? Teach your children and grandchildren to fear the Lord. God is love, unconditional love; but, there is a payment for sin. As Christians our sins are forgiven, and God's patience is long, but we do pay the price unless we fear Him and discipline ourselves daily.
I trust you are sharing Christ with others, especially your family and teaching them to obey Him. Show by example because actions do speak louder than words, sometimes.

Fearing Him,

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