Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Prophetess Miriam

Good Morning,
As I'm writing, I'm reminded that Clarence Crowder is having surgery this morning and he and Loretta need our prayers. An update on my friend Jean is that she's home recovering. She still has a long recovery ahead of her, but I want to thank you for praying for her. Because of the extreme damage to her pancreas, she is now diabetic.
There's a Titus 2 potluck at church tonight that I'm going to go to. They have one a month. It includes a devotional, craft and of course, food. I'm hoping to meet more women. I need to start developing friendships. I'm so glad that I'm only a phone call away from most of you dear friends!
In today's world, we don't hear about someone being a prophetess, but in the O.T. there were a few. Miriam, Moses' sister was one (Exodus 15:20-21); also Huldah (2 Kings 22:14). After you've read these passages, please join me.....
Miriam lead worship. Huldah had people go to her, to consult the Lord concerning the book of the Law they had discovered. If you read chapter 22 you'll get the whole picture. God's judgment was on them for past sins.
For Miriam, she led the people in worship after the victory over the Egyptians. She also had authority because God spoke through her (Numbers 12:1-6). God used both Miriam and Aaron as prophets, speaking to them in dreams and visions. Micah also reports that Miriam was sent by God to lead Israel (Micah 6:4) (foot note from my Bible).
What I see is that God uses women to accomplish His work, just as He uses men. Miriam wasn't perfect (God gave her leprosy because she opposed Moses' marriage to an Ethiopian woman-she judged wrongly).
It never says in scripture that Miriam or Huldah asked to prophetesses. God does the choosing, not us. And, how does this apply today? Does God have prophetesses today? I think in a modified way He does.
Ask Betty about the Lord giving her a message for a pastor in a church they visited and how that message came true. Keep in mind that all prophetic messages have to come true to be from the Lord (Deuteronomy 18:22). Or ask Nette about how the Lord speaks to her through very specific visions.
The Lord uses women for His good purpose. Are you ready to be used by Him, in whatever way He wants? Even if it takes you out of your comfort zone? Is your will ready to surrender to Him and then wait and see what He will do through you? The key is to be obedient, surrender, listen and act.


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