Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Genesis 3

I've finally decided on Genesis 3 to use with our resident tree frog. I named him Froggie, but Chuck calls him Herbie. Anyway, I think he's hiding in the dirt and until I re pot the plant, we have a new addition to our menagerie.
Froggie/Herbie likes to croak at really weird times. If I speak to him, he shuts up for about 5 minutes. Now, we're assuming that Froggie is a boy, but he could be a she. I guess I'm not ready to call her Frogette. Anyway, Froggie hides from us and that brings me to the reason for this topic.
Hiding. We hide or try to hide from God. We hide our sins, thinking that He doesn't see them. We hide from doing service because we don't want to get involved. We hide from listening to Him when He wants to spend time with us.
Adam and Eve tried to hide from God also. After reading Genesis 3, come and join me......
After the pair had eaten from the tree it tells us starting in verse 8, that they could hear God walking in the garden. God calls to them: "Where are you?" Because God is all-knowing, He knew where they were and what had happened. They didn't understand this because the Bible had not been written yet to tell them. But, they had an advantage over us: they walked with God.
Adam answered that he was naked and hid from God. He knew his sin, didn't he? Then, he tried to pass the buck of responsibility to Eve, telling God: 'the woman you put here with me-she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it.'
So here's the list of sins: defied God's order to not eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Believing Satan's lies instead of God's truth. Hiding from God when no one can hide from Him, ever. Then, blaming Eve for his own sin. Also, as head of the family, he was responsible for Eve's being led astray and him not correcting the situation.
Adam's sin didn't just affect him, did it? Eve, and all generations to come have paid the price for not listening to God. That's a great example for us, in that our sins affect those around us, even to further generations.
So, what decisions are you going to make so that you don't hide from God? How can you lead the way in your family to help others not hide from God so that their sins don't grow?
Don't be a Froggie. Hiding from our Lord is Satan's way of deceiving us. God's way is truth. Remember: He is the truth, the way and the life.

Trying not to hide,

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