Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Sincere Faith

I trust the Lord is showing you His mercy as you live each day, for Him. He is merciful, isn't He? I'm so glad that I don't get what my sins deserve. What a horrible thing to have hanging over my head every day if I didn't have His mercy. Praise the Lord; He is merciful!
I have moved on to 2 Timothy 1:5 today. "I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also."
I didn't grow up with a spiritual heritage. My family are not saved, on either side, except for a couple of cousins (at least that I know of). We didn't attend a church that taught the gospel at all. When I came to faith I basically became a first generation Christian/believer.
Timothy had a fine heritage from two generations. He was brought up knowing scripture and serving the Lord. I'm sure that Paul saw in Timothy the makings of a great pastor/shepherd long before Timothy started his service. Paul was basically Timothy's "father in the faith" as he discipled the young man.
Not everyone on earth has this great heritage of learning about God/Christ/Holy Spirit. But, we can start. We can learn from God's Word, we can share out faith, we can live obedient lives that glorify God.
Timothy's faith was evident, not just to Paul, but others. Is your faith evident to others? I've attended churches as a believer for almost 32 years. In that time I'm met lots of people that you can tell immediately are believer's. Then there are people that even after knowing them for awhile, I'm still not sure where they stand.
Do people know that you're saved? Is it evident in your life, how you live every day, in the work place, while you're shopping, with friends/family? Do you have a sincere faith? If so, in what ways do you "live it"?

Living for Jesus,

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