Friday, February 20, 2009

Good Confession

Good Friday Morning,
Hope you are all well. With the weekend upon us, I'm sure you have plans set in place to enjoy every minute. I think I'll work on making some cards tomorrow. Chuck has a job meeting in the morning and prison ministry in the afternoon/eve. so he'll be gone all day.
Today is the last blog for 1 Tim. 6:11-12. We already looked at vs. 12 with "fight" and "take hold". In the last part of this verse it talks about the good confession that Timothy made. So let's begin. "Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses."
What is it that Paul is saying to Timothy? I know it's an encouragement to this young man. There were problems in Timothy's church where he was the elder/pastor. Paul is giving Timothy a "pep" talk to keep him fighting the good fight amidst outside teaching, that's being brought into the church and causing divisions. Paul was telling Timothy to hold on to his faith even though there was trouble swirling around him.
I remember being young and even though I knew things, I didn't have the confidence to speak up or assert what I believed (that's obviously changed :))). I can imagine Timothy feeling like he was being out gunned in his own church. In steps Paul.
What Paul was basically doing was taking Timothy back to the time that he made his profession of faith, in Christ Jesus. He was centering the young man where he needed to keep his focus: on Jesus Christ, Him crucified, dead and risen. Focus. I've used that word with myself many times and shared it with others that I saw struggling in their life.
Everything should be about God/Jesus/Holy Spirit, not us. When we center "us" on Him, we are able to serve, live as He desires with all the benefits that He pours out on us when we are surrendered to Him. If you finish reading verses 13-16, you'll see what I mean.
So, where are you in your walk with Him? Is He the center of your life? When "life" plagues you, do you concentrate on Him and let Him fight your battles? He desires your total dependence on Him, for everything. This opens the door for Him to work in you and through you.
Troubles come, troubles go, but He is God and He will see you through, everything, so that you come out a little more "gold" on the other side. Try it, you might like it!

Focused on Him,

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