Monday, November 17, 2008


As we approach Thanksgiving my thoughts turn toward thankfulness. I decided to count my blessings. Every day there are problems and/or difficulties that are faced, but in the midst of these testings and trials there are things to be thankful for.
When's the last time you started through a mental list of things to be grateful for? As I read the scripture I'm sharing, it reminded me that perhaps doing it daily wouldn't hurt. I know it helps me to focus on the good in the midst of the bad.
Colossians 2: 6-7 "So then, just as your received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness."
As Christians we have much to be thankful for. Christ is our Savior and we won't spend eternity in hell. We have His Word to study so that we can grow in our wisdom, knowledge and understanding of how God wants us to live. We are given gifts that edify the body of Christ and the service we give delights our souls and hearts.
With Christ as our foundation, we are "rooted" in Him and as we study, learn, apply, we are built up in Him. I know that this process gives me strength to handle the problems that come my way. Sometimes I don't understand what's going on, testing or trial and I don't know the outcome, but I know I can trust Him to see me through and come out more gold on the other side.
Then comes the thankfulness part. When we're hurting, angry, frustrated or whatever, it's hard to be thankful. But, that's when we need to be thankful the most. That's why I count my blessings so that my heart and mind will look to Him instead of me. It's hard sometimes to do that, but I know that I have to in order to survive.
When life seems to be pressing in on all sides, choose to show you're love and thankfulness to the Lord and I promise you that when you do, you'll feel better because He will fill you with Him instead of the emptiness of self/problems.

Counting my blessings,

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