Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Colossians 1:17

Today I come to you with a heavy heart. Our daughter-in-law Tiffani, is miscarrying their baby. I guess it's going to take a couple of days according to her midwife. Yesterday she had tests and found out that the heart of our precious blessing isn't beating anymore. I comfort myself in the knowledge that because there was a heartbeat, that I will see and hold my little grandchild some day. For some reason the Lord has chosen for two little ones now to be taken from us, first Lynn and Jason's (before the twins) and now this little one. God is gracious and I know that he'll see all of us through this difficult time. One great blessing is that Josh isn't working out of town because they canceled his work detail and he came home today.
As I looked at the passage for today, I decided on just verse 17: "He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together." He knew this miscarriage would happen and He's holding everything together. We will get through this difficult time and come out stronger on the other side.
This whole passage is about His supremacy and this verse is quite substantial. He literally holds the universe together. He was.... before He created. He created not just the planet, but us, each individual, lovingly molded in our mothers womb. He has all of Gods fullness/completeness. We can hold on to Him in any crisis because He's our rock and our redeemer.
I trust that as you study His Word, and life's problems rush at you like a tornado, that you will cling to Him and let Him hold you close through the storms of life.

Hanging on,

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