Wednesday, November 12, 2008

2 Kings 22:7

It's been a another week of illness. Chuck's been sick with a bronchial infection since last Friday, but went to the doctor on Monday. We had Ethan and Nolan Sat/Sun, so catching up has been slow for me.
As I eat my breakfast, I read the Our Daily Bread. Today's scripture was 2 Kings 22:3-11. It's a good portion but the verse that I want to focus on is 7: "But they need not account for the money entrusted to them, because they are acting faithfully."
King Josiah was king and became king at age 8. The book of the Law was found and read to him. It was while they were working on the temple that it was found. Now, Josiah was a good king and it upset him terribly when he found out about the book. You can read that portion for your own information.
What I found interesting is that in our day and age when ethics and morality is practically non existent, we find in Biblical history people doing work and NOT having to be constantly held accountable because they were "acting faithfully".
Can you imagine someone today doing that? Trusting huge amounts of money to someone and not asking for an accounting? It's too bad the loan people who helped home buyers get into so much trouble weren't ethical and trustworthy instead of greedy, isn't it?
Are you trustworthy with what the Lord gives you? Even if you couldn't deduct your tithe/giving from your taxes, would you still give back to the Lord? Are you using what He's given you in a responsible way?
On the news last night they showed a woman who supposedly only uses cash now because she got into credit card debt. But, she only pays the minimum balance, and she still buying things, like clothes. Her house was nice and her clothes were really nice, but she's not paying her debts down quickly. I also saw at the very end that when she bought a shirt, that in her hand was a credit card. So much for paying cash.....

Accountable to Him,

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