Thursday, September 4, 2008

Judas Iscariot

Good wet morning,
Because we need rain and it's coming down so gently, it's nice. I'm a sunshine kinda girl, but this is ok. Tucker didn't appreciate her morning 'bath' though. A Lab that doesn't like water; go figure :).
As I was reading my Our Daily Bread at breakfast, I thought about Judas Iscariot. Matt. 27:1-5 tells us that Judas betrayed Christ, returned the 30 pieces of silver then went out and hanged himself.
I think the part that I want to concentrate on is verse 4: "I have sinned, he said, "for I have betrayed innocent blood."
He recognized that he's a sinner. He also knew that Jesus wasn't guilty. He'd spent quite a bit of time with the Lord and I'm sure much of Christ's teaching sunk in. So, when the blinders came off, he saw what he'd done and confessed. Did this make him a believer, albeit at the 11th hour? Will we see him in heaven some day? I think that's the million dollar question.
Because only the Lord really knows the heart, He's the only one that knew the truth if conversion happened or not. When we get to heaven, we can find out.
Does it make you angry that Judas is possibly in heaven? That his confession meant that he might have gained salvation? Because I want all people saved, I surely hope that he is saved eternally. Hell, the Lake of Fire isn't somewhere that I want anyone to be, but because of the choice here on earth to accept or reject, we make that determination.
Saddam Hussein is in hell, just like Hitler, Stalin and others, waiting the final judgment. They belong there because they chose to be enemies of Christ. But, there's a part of me that wishes they had bowed to the Lord on earth. Philippians says that one day every knee will bow and tongue confess Christ as Lord and Savior. What they refused to do here, they will do some day and they won't have any choice, then the judgment.
How do you feel about Judas, Saddam and the others? Would you want that they should have confessed Jesus as Savior while on earth. What if they had, after they had done all those terrible things?
Keep in mind, that where God is concerned, sin is sin, whether it's a lie or murder......


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