Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Are you a creationist?

Good Morning,
Isn't the weather perfect? I'm so glad that we are able to enjoy God's creation. In Europe they're testing the "Big Bang" underground. I think it's a hoot! Obviously these folks don't believe in God and creation. Think of the money spent on this that could have been spent on feeding and training the poor. That blows my mind. Such misguided people. I'm sure Satan is laughing his head off.
You've all read Genesis, especially the first few chapters about creation. The controversy even among believers is divided. In Psalms there's a verse about one day to the Lord is as a thousand years and people think that creation wasn't done in 6 days, but that its a metaphor for time.
I'm a literal person and when God says he rested on the 7th, I believe Him. Also, God didn't need to rest, it means that He stopped His creating because He was done. So, as we look at two verses, let's learn. Genesis 1:1-2 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters."
In the beginning God; isn't that one of the most important verses in the Bible? Without Him we wouldn't be. We wouldn't get to enjoy the beauty He's provided. What I like to think about is even though it's beautiful here, heaven and the new earth with be even more beautiful. I'm not sure our finite minds can conceive such a thing. But, I can't wait to see it!
The colors will be more vivid and smells more intense. How do I know this? Because wherever God is, is perfect.
When I think of all the people who follow 'theories' I feel sorry for them. They don't have hope, knowledge, understanding or a future. Isn't that just sad?
What do you believe? As for me and my house, we believe the Lord.

Part of the creation,

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