Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Romans 3:16

Yesterday I labeled my blog Mark 3:16 by mistake. It should have read Acts 3:16; sorry! I found out that blogger doesn't handle 'oops' very well, so we're stuck with my mistake.
Researching today's blog of Romans 3:16 I had to go back to Isaiah 59:7."Their feet rush into sin; they are swift to shed innocent blood. Their thoughts are evil thoughts; ruin and destruction mark their ways." Romans 3:16 says: "ruin and misery mark their ways"
The Apostle Paul is talking about when Isaiah was speaking to the Israelites about sin, confession and repentance. Paul actually quotes quite a few verses from all over the old testament. But, I want to concentrate on just verse 16.
Paul is making a statement about our sinfulness and that no one is righteous. As verse 16 says, ruin and misery mark their ways. When you look at your life, do ruin and misery seem to plague you? Do you ever see victory over your sin?
I think Paul made a very good argument that we ALL are plagued by sin, ours and others' sins. Our sin shows us that we need a Savior. When Paul ends this portion at verse 20, he states: Therefore no one will be declared righteous in his sight by observing the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of sin.
In verses 21-31 Paul goes on to teach about righteousness through faith. First we understand we're sinners, then we are justified through faith in Christ. I think it's really important that Paul showed us our sinfulness first, but then he gives us hope by how he ends the chapter.
Finish reading this chapter and delight that we are saved from spiritual death by the blood of the cross. Also remember, we are sinners, but we are also forgiven, past, present and future sins. That's freedom in Christ. Now, go and live like you're forgiven, without constant misery and ruin.

Living for Jesus,

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