Wednesday, May 23, 2007

What's Up Doc?

Well, this is a new blog and I'm trying to find my way around. I trust you'll all be patient with me as I learn something new.
Chuck and I have always been more than willing to have visitor's come, especially missionaries. When our children were little, any missionaries coming through were invited. We had room, their stories were entertaining and our kids liked to play with their's.
So, tonight when I found the verses I'm going to share, it reminded me of our inviting guests to stay. See Romans 12:12-13. After you have your Bible open, read them, then join me....
It would seem that verse 12 doesn't go with 13, but think about God's plans for your life. Don't they involve others? We also know, from experience, that when we are having a missionary or clergy to stay with us, there's always warfare; it's a given. But, it doesn't stop us. Why should Satan get the upper hand?
When it tells us to pray, or to be prayerful, that's a really good idea. We've found that prayer works in keeping the 'wolves' away from the door.
Then we get to verse 13. In some of the churches we've attended, people are fighting over who will get to have the missionary for meals, housing. In other churches it's a foreign concept and they avoid it like the plague. Bravo for the first and I'm so sorry you're missing out on all the fun for the second. The blessing's abound when we feed and house those the Lord brings to our home.
How often do you have guests for a meal? On a Friday night, Saturday, or maybe Sunday after church? In many churches that type of hospitality is practiced widely, much to every one's enjoyment. I'm not just talking about inviting friends and family, but people who we know, or have just met. Sounds scary, doesn't it? But the Lord tells us to do it.
So, try it, you might just like it. Invite someone and see how much fun you have.

Open invitation to our home,


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