Saturday, November 8, 2008

Get wisdom! Get understanding!

Good morning,
I know, I usually don't blog on a Sat., but when I read my flip over calendar I just had to share it. It's by Charles Stanley and I have gotten lots of good insights from him.
I'll quote exactly: The Bible declares, "Get wisdom! Get understanding!" The two are not the same. Understanding is based upon the acquisition of knowledge-it is a filtering, sifting, sorting, and defining process. Wisdom, in comparison, is an applying process. Understanding tells us what is happening-wisdom tells us why it is happening. Understanding gives us the facts-wisdom tells us what to do with those facts. Understanding yields insight into how a problem might be solved-wisdom tells us which solution to pursue, and when and how to pursue it.
Isn't that pure gold? I hope that you have gained something today. Now, will you apply it?

Working on the application,

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