Tuesday, September 9, 2008

1 Corinthians 6:17

Isn't our day a wonderful one with lots of sunshine? Cooler yes, but still so very nice. The sky was so blue with that particular shade that comes with fall.
Chuck saw the doctor and it looks like rest and rehab for at least 3 weeks. I'm not used to having him around, so it should be interesting to see how we adjust to this new schedule.
Today I want to look at verse 17. Yesterday we covered verse 11 of chapter 6. "But he who unites himself with the Lord is one with Him in spirit." Isn't that just the most wonderful verse? We are united with the Lord and made one.
Recently I had a conversation with my Sunday school teacher and we talked about being adopted into God's family. The Jews were chosen first and they were supposed to share the Lord with everyone else. As we saw, especially through Romans, they didn't do this and so the Lord brought Christ into the picture so that we (Gentiles) would be included in His plan of salvation.
This is adoption at it's finest. He, God, Elohim (plural of one entity) chose us to be one with Him in spirit through Christ. Does that make you feel special? It sure does me.
To complete this picture, read verses 19-20 also. If anyone doubts that the Holy Spirit lives in us after we trust Christ as Savior, they don't understand this verse. 20 completes the picture: "you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body."
Christ paid the price for your freedom from sin, and adoption into His family. Then the statement about using your body for God, with honor to Him. In what ways don't you honor God with your body?
Not taking proper care of it is one way. Abusing what he's given us or not appreciating what he's given is another. How many people do you know (maybe you've said this) that say they hate something about their bodies? God made us. So, when we complain or abuse ourselves, we are not honoring Him. Take care of what He's given you and honor Him with all you are.

Working on the honoring,

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